Engineering vs Hollywood

3D with Photo Retoucher

3D Realtime Rendering

Cost Matrix

Crowd Funding

Deep Blue
Mirror Mirror
Aurora Borealis
Mountain Pass
Space Gas
Images above; are examples of 3D Inspirational Product Art Posters to Inspire Investor, Customer and Future Customers to participate. These type of images can be used as gifts for crowd funding campaigns. There are other examples on the site, if you want to see more send me an email @

If you visit the Sea Orbiter website below you can see another beautiful product example!

Polar Vortex Buries Michigan
Perlan Mission II Put your Face in Space
For this project I projected 180,000 images on the fuselage of the glider to give donaters an idea of what the glider will look like. Top left insert is a closup of the detail on the edge of the tail.

This is a very interesting project! Unpowered glider 90,000ft up into the Polar Vortex, there is a lot of great information in this link! Check it Out!